10 Morning Habits that will Create a Fantastic Life

Success leaves clues. Picture a person that you admire. Maybe there was a time when you said the words, “I want to be like him or her someday.” So how do we do it? How do we become the person that we want to be? Well, you study that person.

Based on the tons of stalking that I did with my idols such as Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins, Gabby Bernstein, Marie Forleo, and a lot more, they have one thing in common, a morning routine. Here are ten things that you can do every day to make sure that you will have a kickass life.

  1. Wake up early honey. 

The silence of early mornings will provide you with the stillness that is needed for you to maneuver the day with ease and a mindful spirit. If you ever felt like you’re a robot who does things just because you have to, then this is something that you really need to do. Have time for silence and stillness, and honey the best time to do that is early in the morning like 4 AM or 5 AM. You won’t regret doing it. So sleep early so you can have a peaceful start for tomorrow.

2. First words matter! Say thank you.

Waking up early should be followed by a gratitude statement. Words are powerful. In fact, it can set the tone of your day. Instead of getting angry at your alarm clock or cursing the universe, please do this world a favor, be appreciative. Say thank you to the higher power that you believe in. Gratitude and anger cannot happen at the same time. So if you start the day with a grateful heart, there’s a big chance that your day’s gonna be awesome. Say three things that you are grateful for. You can say, “Thank you universe cause I’m alive.” Or, “Thank you for my family, my job, my health and my friends.” We often take for granted what we have, but the fact that you’re alive, that’s quite amazing.

3. Meditate ‘Yo

Sit in stillness. You can turn on a relaxing instrumental music, or search a youtube video for meditation. This is scientifically proven. Meditation brings a lot of benefits to our health. With all these technology and distraction here and there, we need to make an effort to clarify our thoughts and just let the moment be. People right now are always rushing to do this and that and we forget to be more present. Meditation will bring presence in your life and a higher sense of awareness. It will give you a flow. The more calm your mind is, the more creative ideas will pop up and so you can be more productive and innovative throughout the day.

4. Set your intention. (And it better be good)

Intentions matter. Good intentions create a fulfilling life through positive actions. Make sure that your intentions will benefit not just you, but also the people that you interact with.  When you are doing good in this world or simply spreading a positive aura by smiling more often, people will gravitate towards you. They want to be with you more because you create such a warm environment for them. You will be love and the bonus is they will also love you.

5.  Ask for guidance sister.

Pray. Lean to a higher presence. Ask God, the universe, or any higher being/s that you believe in to guide you. There will be days when you need to make tough decisions. That’s the time when inner guidance comes in handy. When you are guided, you will trust that the universe will point you towards the right path. There’s less stress and anxiety because you surrendered to a higher power than you.

6. Eat your yummy breakfast. 

You guys know the benefits of eating breakfast.  It gives you the energy that you will need for the entire day. It also increases your satiety, which prevents you from binging. Please don’t tell me that you don’t have time for breakfast. If you have time for facebook then it means you have time for breakfast. Make sure that you eat healthy food.

7. Drink a hot beverage.

There’s something with coffee, tea, or lemon infused hot water that keeps you calm in the morning. Sit down and drink your coffee. Again, no emails or social media while doing this.  You have to keep your morning as calm and peaceful as possible because at work, there will be loads of distraction. Sip  your hot beverage with an attitude of appreciation for the present moment.

8. Put on some tunes. 

Music feeds your soul. You can play some tunes while taking a bath or applying makeup. There’s an unexplainable warmth that comes from listening to music. Take note, it must be instrumental. Lyrics makes you think (and gives you throwbacks), so inch away from that. All the thinking can be done later.

9. Move your muscle baby. 

Physical exercise brings a change in your physiology. If there’s a change in your current state it will bring about positive actions. Exercise feels good and the bonus is you will look good. Not all schedules permit time for early morning exercise, so if a morning workout is not possible, it’s perfectly fine to do it after you get home from work. You just have to make sure that your blood is flowing throughout your body  every day.

10. Practice mindfulness.

If you’re a big fan of multitasking then you might have to think about this one. When we multitask we decrease the quality of our actions. We can multitask in simple things such as listening to music while cleaning or doing laundry. But most of the time, we need to be in the moment. Just be. We are human beings. Appreciate the present moment, the now. That’s the only thing that is important. Notice your breath, your heartbeat, use your senses, relax your muscles, and take in every moment. Time flies so fast. You have to soak in every moment.


These are things that created a huge change in my life. It has made me more creative and more positive. It makes me a better teacher and accomplishing these creates a momentum in my day. A great day leads to a great week, a great month, a great year, and a great life. Give it a go and I know for sure that it will change your life.

As Chris Guillebeau once said, “the choices that we make now affects the opportunities available to us in the future.” 



Author: Katey

Hi, I'm Katey, a medical student, writer, teacher, and biologist. This is where I write the lessons that I've learned during my adventures. Hit follow to get my latest tips, life updates, and even poetry. If you want to live a life with passion and purpose then you have come to the right place. Keep on shining.

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