How I Passed the PLE (Mortals Edition)

I have never considered myself as a genius but I know that whenever I want something, I work hard. I am relentless when it comes to my dreams and passion. I guess that is the innate quality that I do have which helped me pass the board exam. I promised myself that when I become a doctor, I will pay it forward so let me share how I prepared for the October 2023 Physician Licensure Examination.

My preparation started two years prior PLE. It was during clerkship. I know that as an average medical student, I had to work extra hard in order to pass PLE on my first try. My medical school has Problem Based Learnig Style, meaning we digest cases every week, hence we didn’t have the traditional structured format unlike other medical schools. There were so many pressures. Sponsors funded my education so I had to deliver. I was born in poverty and I don’t have parents to lean on. My siblings though, worked hard to help me out. I don’t have a choice. Failure was sadly not an option for me. That was my mindset.

1. During Clerkship: Topnotch Genesis

I enrolled to Topnotch Genesis as a clerk since I felt like I needed organization. I needed organized handouts since our curriculum was PBL (Problem Based Learning). Going back to mother books was time consuming for a clerk, so might as well enroll in a program that has the structure that I needed. It wasn’t easy though to attend the lectures while in face to face clerkship so to be honest I wasn’t able to attend 50% of the lectures. However, it was helpful for me because I was able to go through all the subjects. As early as clerkship, I had an idea of what the PLE will be like. Boy, did I realize how much I don’t know. I had to work harder than I ever did before. Genesis also helped me pass my written revalida so it was a relief because I didn’t have to do oral revalida anymore. Again, thank you Topnotch Genesis.

2. Clerkship and Internship: Study your cases

During junior and senior internship, I knew that this was my chance to understand diseases and know how to treat them. It was hard for a non allied health premed to absorb the initial shock of working in the hospital. Surgery was my first clinical rotation, so just imagine how much skills I was supposed to know already, but sadly had none. Third year was fully online so we didn’t have face to face workshops on doing procedures. I had to improvise and be resourceful, Youtube was my bestfriend. Fake it till you make it as they say. I enjoyed understanding cases, and since I am a toxicity magnet, I got to see amazing cases. Those cases were marked by my brain hence during boards, I can see the flashback of my patients. I remembered the meds we gave, the management, how a patient detoriorated, what meds made them recover. I know that clerkship and internship especially in public hospitals is extra hard, but it actually exposed me to tons of cases which I remembered vividly during the exam. When I have time, I go back to the mother books. This type of learning is very much effective.

3. Internship: Listened to Expert MD lectures on idle time

I decided to enroll to Expert MD during internship so that I could still have structure. I am a big fan of structure guys. Since the duty hours were less, there was more time to study compared to clerkship but it was still a challenge especially when you’re in heavy rotations. What I did was during errands, I listened to lectures. When I was doing laundry, cleaning, or anytime that I was waiting, I would l put my earphones on and play lectures on my specific rotation. As an auditory learner, I enjoyed this. I also liked hitting two birds with one stone. Again, I didn’t get to attend all lectures because I was rotating in a public hospital so I still bring work at home. Sometimes I would really get frustrated because I am too exhausted to study but I just put in my mind that as long as I am doing my best, that is already enough.

4. Review Season: Goodbye social media.

It was now or never. I had to suffer now and enjoy the rewards later or enjoy now then regret later. I chose to suffer haha. I lived like a hermit for three months. I deactivated everything, Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, and 2 weeks before boards I was using my boyfriend’s phone when I need to log in. I basically threw away my social life. Grind grind grind. When I pass, I’ll have plenty of time for socialization and scrolling but now, is not the time. I went on full blown hyperfocus mode. Eliminating all these distractions saved me loads of time,

5. Listened to my body

Since I was on hyperfocus ultra sympathetic mode, I even found it hard to sleep and rest. I had so much anxiety when I couldn’t finish a handout, so I did all nighters. This unhealthy way of studying backfired to me. I got sick twice, and was even admitted two weeks before boards. I was at my worst physical and mental state. So I decided when I got admitted that being too hard on myself was not working. At that moment, I might not make it to PLE since I was sick. I decided to relax . I slept when I’m tired, I ate when I’m hungry, my boyfriend would drive and we’d have quick nature trips every 4 PM. I didn’t care about not catching up with my review center’s schedule. I just studied what I can with the energy that I had. My brain liked this way of learning, I could understand the concepts clearly and it worked like magic.

6. Have a strong support system

The cerebral part of taking the boards, that I took care of, but for the rest, I credit it to my partner. He was just there for me every step of the way. I feel like crying when I remember how much he has motivated and supported me in all the ways that he can. He did everything for me so that I could focus on studying. He made me coffee every morning, we jogged, he printed all my handouts a night before I need to use them. He took care of the laundry, went with me to file for the boards, took care of me at the hospital, and he didn’t give up on me when I just didn’t want to proceed with the exam anymore. He arranged everything, prepared all my meals for the four days and he would pick me up from the testing center. It was almost three months of his life all focused on achieving our goal. There were times when I was crying every night and having someone who listens and comforts you is such a gift. He is simply the best. I decided to proceed because there’s this person who will never give up on me no matter what. I couldn’t fail him.

7. Have a friend who’s experiencing the same thing as you and be each other’s support system.

I had two close friends that I talk to during the review season. Talking to them made me feel validated. I knew that I’m not alone in the struggles. Sometimes Shana (Yes iname drop kita) and I would meet up and call each other when everything’s just extra scary and confusing. This woman has so much grit (4.5 using Angela Duckworth’s grit scale) that it rubs on me. I am so grateful to have these wonderful friends in my life.

8. Practice Tests

Initially, I tried to adjust my learning style with what the review center has set, but to be honest, Practice tests got me through the review. I was able to reinforce what I was learning. I initially read the handouts and watched lectures simultaneously. Afterwards, I had a second read, then did practice tests. In some subjects I was not able to do a second read but it’s okay. I just kept on doing what I can. Medicine has a very broad knowledge base so you really have to prioritize. My midterms score was my basis for knowing my strengths and weaknesses. I focused on my weaknesses since you can’t get a score of less than 50% in any subject. Your high scores in other subjects won’t matter if you get just one failing score in any of the twelve subjects. So just keep on answering practice tests.

9. Flashcards

Since Topnotch had flashcards which was based on previous PLE, this became my lifesaver especially one week before boards. I registered on Quizlet Premium and kept on answering flashcards, every moment that I could squeeze it in. It was very effective for me, especially on the subjects that I couldn’t focus on anymore. Again, thank you Topnotch!

10. Let it go.

This is a very important component of my strategy during PLE season. Just like in any aspect of our lives, we have to learn to let go of the outcome. As long as you absolutely know that you did your best, the outcome doesn’t matter anymore. I remember that whenever I would hit roadblocks in medical school, when I can’t understand the material I’m reading and there’s an upcoming exam, I run by this mantra, “My love of learning is way greater than my fear of failing.” And if ever I fail, it’s okay, because at the end of the day, what matters is who I have become along the process of studying medicine. Medicine is my art, it’s my craft, and neither success nor failure, could change my excitement whenever I get to understand a concept and treat a patient. When the last subject was done, and I passed the Preventive Medicine answers, I knew that my future was set. I had a sigh of relief, that there was a 50% chance that I will become licensed to heal. I also knew that, it was my absolute best, with the every power that I could have summoned. I was grateful for the opportunity to learn and serve.

28 things I am proud of at 28.

I am proud of myself for:

1. Choosing to live.

2. Having the habit of reading.

3. Making time for writing.

4. Being a reliable sister.

5. Being a reliable friend.

6. Being a good listener.

7. Being a leader.

8. Being more disciplined than I was before.

9. Being a good daughter to Papa.

10. Making more healthy decisions.

11. Being a good dog mom and aunt to our four dogs.

12. Being in a healthy relationship.

13. Honoring the work that I do.

14. The integrity that I built.

15. Being a law abiding citizen.

16. Exploring.

17. Facing challenges.

18. Healing.

19. Choosing love.

20. Being responsible.

21. Chasing my dreams.

22. Being creative.

23. Following my bliss.

24. Carving out time for exercise.

25. Finding ways to be better than I was yesterday.

26. Being compassionate

27. Being relentless

28. Being more calm.

I’m writing this because, I’m often too hard on myself. I plan on reading this especially on days when I am filled with much self-doubt. I do have a long way to go and a lot of things to learn and improve on, but for today, only for today, I want to just take some time to appreciate how far I’ve come because I honestly believe that being an advocate for ourselves and giving credit where it is due is a must.


On multiple streaming subscriptions

It’s true that the happiness you get in new things only lasts in a blink of an eye. Lately, I find myself getting overwhelmed with having multiple streaming subscriptions (Netflix, Amazon Prime and HBO) and not knowing what I really want to watch. This is probably why I end up falling asleep whenever I open these apps. It seems like the movies are just too much and it feels like my life is not enough to see all the movies and TV shows that I want to.

On simple living

So far, simple living suits me. I ate hospital food that was served yesterday instead of ordering online. I still have trauma from the whole food poisoning thing that occurred last week but healing takes time lol. Mental note: always smell the food. You have an insanely sensitive gut, Kate.

2023 Vision Board

I am also on the process of creating my vision board. It actually takes me quite an amount of time to create my yearly vision board because I take every step into heart. I just love the Everything is Possible planner. It’s actually my third year using it and it just matches with my vibe. I am loving the habit tracker feature. As I wrote a week ago, I’m experimenting on building one habit at a time. So far, my January habit is waking up at five in the morning. It actually feels nice to be able to rise before the whole world runs after you.

On health and physicality

Writing on my 2023 planner made me aware of how much I’ve neglected my health and finances last year. I put working out on the back burner. I haven’t lost weight and I still have frequent migraines. This year I’ll be prioritizing my health. I’ll be getting lab tests, imaging, and bloodwork done. As a future physician, I have to walk the talk and have integrity. It is time to face my fears. So far I have have been carving out time for exercise. I’ve been doing yoga, Nike Training Club and dance fitness workouts. It feels nice to take care of your body. I hope I can continue this streak.

Hospital Rotation

I am currently rotating at the hospital’s Public Health Unit and we had our orientation yesterday. It’s a positive step forward that the hospital has this program since health promotion is a must. So far, I am leaning into this work of bringing health and medicine closer to the community. I just feel like this is the work that matters. Again, as much as I love the other specializations of medicine, I also want to help in giving access to basic health services to those who are in need.

On PLE review

For the Physician Licensure Exam review, I do as much reading and listening to lectures since this is our group’s last month of being a free elf. My current efforts are: answering Pharmacology and Biochemistry flash cards on Ankidroid on my idle time at work and attending Expert MD’s lectures. So far, I am enjoying learning. This is what matters for me. More than my goal of topping the boards, I still want to find the joy in learning information that will help my patients.


This is it for the first few days of January, I hope we all have a peaceful and fruitful year ahead.

Waking up before the sun rises

I am experimenting on living a simple life for 2023. It’s kinda ironic because, being a doctor almost doesn’t support that lifestyle but here I am trying to live differently.

This month’s habit that I am practicing is waking up at 5 AM. I don’t want to fool myself in waking up at 4:30 AM so I decided that 5 AM is the magic number. It’s not too early because I can still get 7 hours of sleep, and it’s not too late for me to not be able to do my morning routine.

There’s just something about waking up before the world does that I find peaceful. No dogs are barking. I can hear the birds chirping. I can make and drink my tea in silence. I can write on my blog. I feel so primed and ready to face the coming day. I hope that I can maintain this habit in the whole January.

Amidst all the challenges that will come ahead, I know that the only step that matters is that I live my best life, and and that is one that is filled with peace. As long as I am doing what I love and finding as much balance as I could, I’m good. In 2023 I will wake up before the sun rises. I will choose to spend time listening to nature. I will live simply and love fully. I will keep on keeping on.

2023 is the year I become a licensed medical doctor. This is the year of growing, one habit at a time. It is a year of letting go of what brings you down and focusing on what matters. It is a year of little steps. This is about living a full inner life rather than doing things for the gram.

I wake up before the sun rises.

The negativity bias

Hi there my dear readers, today I want to talk to you about negativity bias. Ding, ding, ding! We all have that and to be honest, I do experience that on a daily basis. Here in the Philippines, it is so easy to get inside that vortex. You just have to scroll and voila, you are in for a treat.

Anyway, how do we fight negativity bias? I have intentionally deactivated social media, because I found myself absorbing the energy that is just so rampant out there. I asked myself, who am I without all these influences, be it negative or positive? So far I felt a bit isolated, but the positive outcome of having spent more time being present than spending it scrolling, is, I am more mindful of my surroundings. I can bask in what is really happening in the immediate environment that I am in.

Negativity will always be there, and we have evolved to expect the worst because we used to be hunters, and there used to be all these wild animals that could eat us. But now, do we still need to be that way? Do we still have to protect ourselves the way our ancestors did?

For three nights, I have been panicking about so many things, PLE, my health, all the bad shits that could happen. Believe me when I say I have worked so hard to be in a good mental state but still there are times when, it just slips. I get anxious and scared, even if there is no literal threat that I am facing. So far, what helps me get out of this spiral are these:

1. Meditation.

2. Exercise

3. A solid morning routine

4. Talking to a friend for distraction.

5. Cuddling the dogs.

6. Spending time with my partner.

7. Writing.

8. Reassuring myself that everything will be okay.

9. Going for a walk.

10. Writing a gratitude list.

Ten years ago, I never would’ve thought that I will be working in a hospital because of how chaotic life was back then. There are times when I just can’t believe what’s happening. I can’t believe that it is possible to feel calm and at peace. I find myself waiting for the next shoe to drop, when there actually isn’t.

I made bold choices to have this kind of life and I worked hard and sacrificed, and toiled. I know that. Sometimes I wish I could erase all the trauma and scary things that I’ve been through just so that it doesn’t slip my mind and appear in my nightmares, but I guess I have to live with this. I have to accept the scary past and create happy memories, so that all the trauma would just occupy a small fraction of my brain.

Everything will be okay, Kate. You are doing what you can with what you have. You just finished another rotation in your post graduate internship, damn, you have finished medical school. You have the best support system, the best partner in life, good friends, and all that. I can’t ask for more. You can’t erase the past, but definitely you have created a beautiful present, and you can still keep on painting on this canvass.

I believe in you. You got this.

Unlock your fullest potential

There are epiphanies that we suddenly realize as we grow old. If we are to compare ourselves from who we were a year ago, five years ago, and ten years ago, we’d notice that we changed a lot because of our experiences. I find this constant process of discovery as an interesting journey. You have these expectations about who you are and who you will be and yet you surprise yourself that you have turned out different. As we tread these changes, I think the consistent theme in these different phases of our lives is, we can be at peace with where we are when we are making sure that we fully unlock every version of ourselves, and hopefully before our last breath, we can say that “I have exhausted everything, I did everything that I possibly could.” There will be no regrets nor what ifs.

The next question is, “How do you unlock your fullest potential?” I can only speak based on how I approach life and what I have learned overall, and that is by breaking it in to tiny, actionable steps. 

1. Make an irrevocable decision about the life that you want.
       When you know where you are going, there will be less mental burden about the decisions you’ll be making. Decide what kind of life you want, without any sort of guilt. Do you want to be a millionaire? Do you want to travel all over the world? Do you want to live a simple life on a hill or in the middle of a forest? Ask yourself this question everyday, “What do I really want?” and listen to your gut’s honest answer. Write it down. To be honest, I feel sad whenever I meet someone who is just wasting precious Earth time wandering aimlessly. We all have moments of uncertainties, but at some point, you have to choose your path. Ten years from now, what does a beautiful life look like to you. Make it as detailed as possible and then that’s it, that’s the life you want.

2. Schedule it. 
      If it’s not scheduled, it’s not getting done. This is just honest advice. If you keep on saying that I want to be financially successful, or have a family, or a car, and you’re just sitting there on the couch and praying to be abundant, I hate to break it to you, but it’s not happening. You have to put it in your calendar and make time for each step that will take you closer to the kind of life that you truly want. Start small. Take those baby steps which might seem insignificant at the moment. You’ll see that those tiny actions will accumulate and result to something great, something that only sheer hard work could ever do.

3. Eliminate anything that brings you down. 
      Are you spending so much time on social media? Do you have thought patterns or belief systems that aren’t helping you rise? Well then it’s time to let go of them. Turn your phone off when you have to focus and just concentrate on whatever task is at hand. Stay in the moment you are in. If it’s not making you a happier and better person, then let go of it. It could be a bad habit, or a dragging relationship, or even people who disguise themselves as friends. Choose your energy. Make sure that even if you plummet in to negativity a few times, you still take steps to keep yourself on a higher energy vibe.

4. Ask for help. 
      You are not an island. You belong to a species of organisms who need socializing. The news, COVID, financial setbacks, illnesses, they all are heavy to carry alone. The thing is, you don’t have to face every single one of them on your own. Ask for help. Be brave to humbly seek assistance whenever you need it. I can’t tell you how this simple step changed everything for me. I used to be the person who wants to prove that she doesn’t need any help from anyone. It’s pathological. This attitude has allowed me to be strong, independent, brave and extremely self-reliant, but it also made me a loner and somehow it closed my doors to opportunities and relationships that could have been good for me. Be self-reliant, but when you need help, please ask for it. 

5. Surround yourself with people who want to see you win. 
      Be careful who you spend most of your time with. If you just gossip, drink, or watch TV with your friends, I hate to break it to you, but you are not with the right people. If you want to become successful, you have to make sure that you are in an environment that will allow you to grow at the level that you want to. Talk about goals and how you are achieving them. Discuss ideas, passion, and creativity. Generate that energy of relentlessness. Assess if the people you are with want to see you win. Filipino culture taught us to value family, but sometimes extended family members can cause too much toxicity. You will get opinions you didn’t ask for or unwanted visits and demands. If that’s the case, stop complaining, save up, and move out. If they are not helping you, just get out of that negative space. You can’t possibly grow in a soil that isn’t capable of providing the nutrients that you need to achieve your highest potential.

6. Expect setbacks. 
      This is not a world of unicorns and rainbows. But I guess you already know that. Following your passion or chasing a dream can be equated to going through loopholes with fire on its outlines. It’s like running on a track with lanes with shards of glass or burning coal. It’s kind of morbid but there will be times when you will want to give up because it’s hard and painful. Circumstances will get out of control just when you think everything is okay. Expect setbacks, my love. There will be highs and lows but just hold on to hope. Keep the faith and know that nothing is permanent, even trials.

7. Have a go-to person. 
      To say that we have that one best friend is false in my opinion. I have a friend that I confide in depending on what I am going through. I hope you have these people. They will give you honest advice and a listening and non-judgmental ear. Having real friends is very comforting. They get you back to your senses when you are getting off track. They will patiently hold your hand when you are still healing. How do you have these people? Be a friend. Be a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on for others, and when it’s your turn to be punched by the world, someone will always be there for you.

8. Come back stronger. 
      When setbacks happen and you feel like you can’t take another blow anymore, rest. Allow your body and your mind the time and space for recovery. Stop pushing when you know within yourself that you are mentally and physically exhausted. This time frame varies for every person. When you are already rested, roll up your sleeves and with courage, start again. You have learned the lessons, and now it’s time to use that wisdom in getting back up. Know that you are strong because you have gotten through the unthinkable. Nothing is impossible for someone who doesn’t have the phrase “give up” in their vocabulary. 

9. Give. 
      Having a generous heart will allow abundance to flow in your life. I have proven this repeatedly. Whenever I feel like there isn’t enough money or when I am scared, I give. It may be my time, or any form of help that I could give. Surprisingly, abundance follows when your heart is not guarded by the scarcity wall. Volunteer for an advocacy you believe in. Serve. Just give not because you want something in return but do it because it feels good to make others feel better.

10. Surrender. 

For me, life is 50% what happens to you and 50% of it will come from your actions. We can do so much with our precious 50%. When I wake up every morning, I do my best to keep things in order and accomplish the tasks that I need to do so that my dreams will come into fruition. But I also know that there will be circumstances and forces which are out of my control, and so when I pray I surrender that 50%. “No matter how this day goes, I will do my best and the Universe will do the rest for me.” It was hard for a control freak like me to utter the word “surrender.” However, I sleep better ever since I accepted that things will get out of control, schedules will get ruined, annoying people will pop up, but how I perceive these circumstances and my legwork is all that matters. Surrender your dream and each moment and eventually you’ll get there. 

Finally free

Too often we dream about doing great things, reaching for the stars, going as far as we can go. Maybe that’s why we are consistently exhausted. Keeping up with the speed of the world can be really taxing. I am having this existential crisis of wanting to shine, to be something, or someone. It has lessened in intensity, but I’lll be honest, I want all this to go away sometimes. I just want to be happy and contented with where I am.

I used to like being able to do it all, to be the person who can do this and that. I am the quiz bee girl, the dancer, the singer, writer, public speaker, top employee, class president, a good teacher, a soul who revels in adventure, and all those other things. I am happy that I can do all this, but I admit, I did so many things and trained myself to be good at a lot of things, until the light burned out.

What is left of me, if the light has burned out?

What I saw was who I really am. I am this simple person who looks forward to quiet mornings while sipping ginger tea. I like reading books that keep my heart at peace. I love talking to God and conversing with my Dad in heaven. I like cuddling our dogs. I love lazy afternoons with my boyfriend. I love playing with my baby brother at five in the afternoon. I love endless talking with my sisters. I enjoy so many things other than being at the spotlight and performing all those skills that I could do.

Maybe this is me getting old. Or maybe, I am just unveiling who I really am in the first place. I am not a competitive person anymore, but instead I aspire to be really competent in the line of work that I chose. I love listening to my body and giving it what it needs, to the best of my abilities. I am not as neurotic whenever things don’t go according to plan. I give grace, when people come short of their responsibilities, because, the world is toxic on its own, why should I add up to the mess.

I honor my lazy days, but I do my best to be as productive. I forgive myself more often. I choose love, as often as I could. I am happy, just by honoring who I am at the present.

Lessons From Papa

Mentors are essential in our lives. Indeed, you can be considered lucky if you have one who is just filled with wisdom and knowledge that took them years to learn but then they just give it out like fairy dust. Let me share few of the wisdom that my first and best mentor, my father, Coach Neon, has taught me. Hopefully, you’ll find them helpful and maybe guide you in your pursuits in life.

1. Work Hard
Papa didn’t graduate college. He got married young and had four children. Now that I’m an adult, I can’t help but wonder how he did it. At my age, he already had three children, and yet I remember him as a happy and funny person. They say that kids won’t do what you tell them to do, but they would imitate what their parents do. I guess my dad was able to raise us beautifully because he works hard not just at work or when he’s coaching, but even in being a father. When he has to make a bahay kubo (nipa hut), I see him work hard to finish it even when he’s tired from his job. When we have issues within the family, he works hard to patch things up. When he had to ask forgiveness for a mistake he has made, he worked hard to earn our trust. He shows up not just in the happiest but most importantly, in the most difficult times in our lives. I guess I really got my work ethic from him, although he’s way better at it than I’ll ever be, but whenever I don’t feel like reading more pages of Harrison’s, I see him, and I remember how hard he worked up to the very end of his life, and I feel guilty, because who am I to complain when my dad doesn’t even have the word ‘tired’ in his vocabulary? I have the stamina to strive for my dreams because I grew up with such a hardworking, epic person, whom I admire a lot. I fully understand that in whatever aspect in life, there are no shortcuts.

2. You’re not special. Do the chores.
My father trained us to wash the dishes starting at the age of five. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we may be his princesses, but that doesn’t mean that we are exempted from household chores. I had a self-entitlement issue back when I was a kid. I thought that since I work extra hard to be the best in class, I am excused from chores. Papa wouldn’t take any of it. He let all of us wash dishes, clean our room, sweep the yard, and do our laundry. This is actually a very profound lesson for me. It taught me that the basics are important. I didn’t have issues with cleanliness or hygiene when I was in college because Papa didn’t allow laziness in the house up to a point that I think I have borderline OCD because I just want stuff to always be clean and organized. I knew that no one is going to take care of my stuff other than myself, and that I have to take personal responsibility for everything that I have and the space that I occupy. I’m just grateful that laziness is not an issue now that I am an adult.

3. You are not above or below anyone.
I’m allergic to people with superiority complex. Whenever I see or hear someone degrading another person because of their economic status, or just plainly treating them bad, I get really upset. Why? Because we are all human beings and whether you are the president of the Philippines or a billionaire, if you get hit by a car, chances are, you’ll die. We are all the same. This level of humility has grounded me to treat people equally. This would include being nice to waiters, to say thank you and good morning to security guards, and to give people the benefit of the doubt when they are underperforming. I am not less or more important than anyone.

4. Stand up for what you believe in.
I have very strong beliefs about politics, religion, and society overall. I may not talk about it that much here in my blog, but my dad made me stubborn and taught me to not just accept everything as it is, but rather ask questions. And when I see that something is clearly wrong, I need to speak up. He raised us to be interactive with life rather than just be passive and be okay about everything. Being brave and rational at the same time has brought me places and connected me to people whom I never thought I would have been friends with if I was too shy speak up. Sticking to my principles has allowed me to create healthy boundaries which has made my mind a better place to live in. I had to learn all of this the hard way, and sometimes I ask myself, are my principles too strong? But at the end of the day, I have peace of mind, and I can sleep soundly at night knowing that I lived life on my terms. I chose the people who are around me, and I am surrounded by family, friends, pets, and a significant other that I can fully trust with my life, because of that one big decision of setting boundaries. Thank you Papa, for teaching me to stand up for myself and for the people I love.

5. Love your siblings.
My siblings are the three pillars of my life. They are the source of my courage and will to be successful in this path that I chose. To be honest, I have survived medschool plus Papa’s death because of my sibs. Papa instilled in us that we must always love, support, and understand each other. I have found my bestfriends in my sisters, and our relationship is the major component of my core. Papa just emphasized this repeatedly to us, and when we were put to the test, we have managed to get through every hurdle because we have each other.

6. Choose a partner who will stay through thick and thin.
Unlike my other siblings, I am the daughter who never introduced a boyfriend to my Dad. I took his advice seriously. Study first, and when you have graduated college, you are allowed to have a boyfriend. Sadly, I was never able to introduce Mr. Right because I was single when my father was still alive. However, I asked him a lot of questions on how to choose a man. He often jokes that since I’m the most expensive one, because I’m studying medicine, I am only allowed to date rich guys. Then I asked him on a more serious tone, “Papa, to be honest, do you want me to choose a rich partner?” Then the most amazing words came from my father’s mouth, “You know, it’s not about the money. Of course I want you to live a comfortable life, but, what’s important in choosing a life partner is, you choose someone who will stay through thick and thin. Building a family and raising kids is challenging and life will give you many problems, so you need someone who stays and someone who’s willing to understand, someone hardworking, and someone who will truly love you for exactly who you are.” Since then, I was able to create a standard for the man that I will choose. I know that Mr. Perfect is not there, but so far, I think I chose someone that my father has described.

7. Live your passion.
It was quite hard for me to understand why my father loves basketball. He would train several teams after work and during weekends. His players were like a part of his life. He treats him like his kids and he mentors them. I couldn’t grasp the idea of doing something that makes you so exhausted, and not that financially rewarding, but then you do it anyway. As I got old, I somehow was able to digest it. In fact, I am living my passion. It wasn’t hard for me to quit my job and go back to school because I had a role model when it comes to following your bliss, and it was my dad. Even though he couldn’t play basketball anymore because he had kids, he still mentored kids. His passion for the game overflowed to hundreds of basketball players in our town. I saw it during his funeral. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw hundreds of previous and present basketball players went to the church. The church was congested, you would think that it was a VIP’s funeral. It all sank in that when you give so much of yourself, and live with fire and passion, people feel it. Any form of love that you put out in the universe comes back. His love for basketball inspired me to love the path that I chose in a spiritual level.

8. Forgive.
We are all humans after all. No matter how much we try to be the best versions of ourselves, chances are, we will make mistakes. I admit that until now, I am struggling to forgive several people in my life, but I look forward to the day that I can genuinely say that I have forgiven them. Forgiveness is not about waiting for the other person to say sorry. It’s actually a courageous act that you do for your own sake. It frees you and elevates your consciousness. I saw him forgive people who have clearly wronged him, and even apologized for mistakes that weren’t even his. I still wonder when I’ll ever reach that level of courage and love. But, in situations when I can, I try to forgive, because who are we to not do so? We are but a speck in this universe after all.

9. Whatever it is, face it.
I am a good runner, not in the physical sense, but when it comes to conflicts, I am the champion of bolting when a turbulent situation presents itself. But this is not a good practice. I can’t run from every problem or walk on eggshells just to keep the peace. I have to learn how to solve problems, and talk to people, no matter how difficult they are. He always told me to, “Face your problem. Approach the person concerned rather than complain.” Well Papa it’s much easily said than done. Adult problems are way bigger than my issues back when I was young. However, when you grow up with such a brave person, it’s somehow easier to emulate. Until now, I am a work in progress and I could still do better, but I try to be as self-aware as possible.

10. When you don’t feel safe, walk away.
How will you know if you are with the right people? It’s actually vague to answer but, allow me to describe this in the best way that I can. When you feel safe around a person, that’s when you know that this person is good for you. But when someone’s presence acivates your fear response, makes you second guess, and walk on thin ice, that’s your clue to investigate. He taught us to walk away from things that scares the shit out of us. I noticed that I know that feeling because I have felt it whenever I’m around him, that feeling that you are being taken care of, that he has your back, and that security that even if I make mistakes, this person will still love and accept me. Having experienced that kind of love and safety made it quite easy for me to sift through people, and know when they really mean well. It also gave me an internal compass and has directed me to the most genuine humans. It also allowed me to let go of jobs, people, and relationships that has gone its course.

Even though our father-daughter relationship has been cut short, I can honestly say that all those wonderful twenty five years taught me enough lessons to last me for the next decades that I still have. It is indescribably painful to lose the person that you loved the most, but even though the pain doesn’t go away, I breathe every day knowing that the lessons he taught will forever be etched in my heart and will transcend in the work that I do. The life of the person we lost doesn’t stop on that last breath. In a way, they live through us, and through the life of every person they have touched.

How to stop stopping yourself

You have to stop holding yourself back from the amazing you who’s still hiding in that shell. You just need to be a little bit braver. You got this.

“But what will other people say?”

Let me guess, you have been plagued by this repetitive question for a long time, am I right? We ask this to ourselves when we’re deciding what to wear, how to speak, making career moves, or starting a business. This question gives you a disease with a bad prognosis which is, “soul paralysis.” This will make sure that you will live a boring existence. People won’t have anything to talk about in your funeral because you lived such a safe and sheltered life. Let’s be real here, do you really want that? I bet you don’t. The mere fact that you are reading this blog means that you are someone who has a message to spread in this world.

So how do we open our hard shell and start exploring the world and expressing who we really are? The first thing that I will prescribe to you is, you must let go. Here are three things that you should let go of, if you want to bring the amazing you on the table.

1. Your toxic environment.
I am speaking from a place of truth and experience. We, as humans have to learn how to adapt to any situation. We cannot control the initial environment that we were born into. You are lucky if you were born into a family who genuinely love and support each other. But what if that’s not the case? What if turbulence was the norm in your childhood? What if you grew up in chaos, or in a place swarmed by backward thoughts? You can’t just go with the flow. If you recognize that your environment is taking a toll on your soul, do your best to get away. You can control your reactions and how you perceive things, though that’s challenging when you’re still on your formative years, but as long as you’re staying in a place that doesn’t serve you or contribute in your evolution into becoming a better person, then get out as soon as possible. You can only know your true self and be at your best by detaching from the world that you used to know. You will discover your likes and your passions. You can do your hobbies and express your art without thinking about what the neighbors will say. You can make your own mistakes without people giving comments about how you have to live your life. You can be you. Will detaching be easy? It won’t. Getting out of your comfort zone will not be a walk in the park, but it’s going to be worth it.

2. Your “friends” who are not into goals.
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” I forgot who said this but, in a way I do believe that this is true. If you keep on spending a lot of time gosipping, partying and drinking, do you think it will propel your soul forward? You don’t have to be all judgmental with your friends. Most people have this stage in their lives, including me. What I’m trying to say is you have to be more conscious of how you spend your time and who you spend it with. Why? Because any amount of time you waste, can never be taken back. You know that life is short, anyone could die at any moment, so choose people who will help you take one more step towards living an authentic and passionate life. Choose to be with people who inspire you to be better. I’m not advising you to abandon your friends, but rather, I’m encouraging you to spend more time with creative, genuine, and goal-driven people. This is initially hard, but it is necessary. This doesn’t mean that you hate your friends who drink a lot, this just means that you love yourself enough. Look for people who are changing the world, if there are none around, watch videos on youtube of people who inspire and motivate you. Curate your newsfeed by unfollowing people and pages that don’t stir your soul.

3. Your old self.
We all have phases. You probably are an entirely different person from who you were ten years ago. If you want to evolve or be successful in whatever aspect of your life, then you have to get rid of your own clutter. It is difficult to admit that we have our own unhealthy behaviors. We may get defensive about certain beliefs and values that we hold on to. I used to be an extremely emotionally numb person. I built my own fortress and stopped myself fom getting too close to anyone. It helped me cope in the past, but right now, it’s not helping me anymore. I used to be a neurotic perfectionist which has made me achieve a couple of things but did I feel good along the journey? To be honest I didn’t. When I became crystal clear about how I want to feel, that’s when I took on the task of cleaning my mental and emotional space. I grieved every phase that I had to let go of. But on the other side of that humility and constantly working on myself, was the true me, that I am genuinely proud of. So please, let go of the little you. Every stage of your life will require you to change, and that doesn’t have to be a bad thing.

You have to stop holding yourself back from the amazing you who’s still hiding in that shell. You just need to be a little bit braver. You got this.

10 Morning Habits that will Create a Fantastic Life

Success leaves clues. Picture a person that you admire. Maybe there was a time when you said the words, “I want to be like him or her someday.” So how do we do it? How do we become the person that we want to be? Well, you study that person.

Based on the tons of stalking that I did with my idols such as Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins, Gabby Bernstein, Marie Forleo, and a lot more, they have one thing in common, a morning routine. Here are ten things that you can do every day to make sure that you will have a kickass life.

  1. Wake up early honey. 

The silence of early mornings will provide you with the stillness that is needed for you to maneuver the day with ease and a mindful spirit. If you ever felt like you’re a robot who does things just because you have to, then this is something that you really need to do. Have time for silence and stillness, and honey the best time to do that is early in the morning like 4 AM or 5 AM. You won’t regret doing it. So sleep early so you can have a peaceful start for tomorrow.

2. First words matter! Say thank you.

Waking up early should be followed by a gratitude statement. Words are powerful. In fact, it can set the tone of your day. Instead of getting angry at your alarm clock or cursing the universe, please do this world a favor, be appreciative. Say thank you to the higher power that you believe in. Gratitude and anger cannot happen at the same time. So if you start the day with a grateful heart, there’s a big chance that your day’s gonna be awesome. Say three things that you are grateful for. You can say, “Thank you universe cause I’m alive.” Or, “Thank you for my family, my job, my health and my friends.” We often take for granted what we have, but the fact that you’re alive, that’s quite amazing.

3. Meditate ‘Yo

Sit in stillness. You can turn on a relaxing instrumental music, or search a youtube video for meditation. This is scientifically proven. Meditation brings a lot of benefits to our health. With all these technology and distraction here and there, we need to make an effort to clarify our thoughts and just let the moment be. People right now are always rushing to do this and that and we forget to be more present. Meditation will bring presence in your life and a higher sense of awareness. It will give you a flow. The more calm your mind is, the more creative ideas will pop up and so you can be more productive and innovative throughout the day.

4. Set your intention. (And it better be good)

Intentions matter. Good intentions create a fulfilling life through positive actions. Make sure that your intentions will benefit not just you, but also the people that you interact with.  When you are doing good in this world or simply spreading a positive aura by smiling more often, people will gravitate towards you. They want to be with you more because you create such a warm environment for them. You will be love and the bonus is they will also love you.

5.  Ask for guidance sister.

Pray. Lean to a higher presence. Ask God, the universe, or any higher being/s that you believe in to guide you. There will be days when you need to make tough decisions. That’s the time when inner guidance comes in handy. When you are guided, you will trust that the universe will point you towards the right path. There’s less stress and anxiety because you surrendered to a higher power than you.

6. Eat your yummy breakfast. 

You guys know the benefits of eating breakfast.  It gives you the energy that you will need for the entire day. It also increases your satiety, which prevents you from binging. Please don’t tell me that you don’t have time for breakfast. If you have time for facebook then it means you have time for breakfast. Make sure that you eat healthy food.

7. Drink a hot beverage.

There’s something with coffee, tea, or lemon infused hot water that keeps you calm in the morning. Sit down and drink your coffee. Again, no emails or social media while doing this.  You have to keep your morning as calm and peaceful as possible because at work, there will be loads of distraction. Sip  your hot beverage with an attitude of appreciation for the present moment.

8. Put on some tunes. 

Music feeds your soul. You can play some tunes while taking a bath or applying makeup. There’s an unexplainable warmth that comes from listening to music. Take note, it must be instrumental. Lyrics makes you think (and gives you throwbacks), so inch away from that. All the thinking can be done later.

9. Move your muscle baby. 

Physical exercise brings a change in your physiology. If there’s a change in your current state it will bring about positive actions. Exercise feels good and the bonus is you will look good. Not all schedules permit time for early morning exercise, so if a morning workout is not possible, it’s perfectly fine to do it after you get home from work. You just have to make sure that your blood is flowing throughout your body  every day.

10. Practice mindfulness.

If you’re a big fan of multitasking then you might have to think about this one. When we multitask we decrease the quality of our actions. We can multitask in simple things such as listening to music while cleaning or doing laundry. But most of the time, we need to be in the moment. Just be. We are human beings. Appreciate the present moment, the now. That’s the only thing that is important. Notice your breath, your heartbeat, use your senses, relax your muscles, and take in every moment. Time flies so fast. You have to soak in every moment.


These are things that created a huge change in my life. It has made me more creative and more positive. It makes me a better teacher and accomplishing these creates a momentum in my day. A great day leads to a great week, a great month, a great year, and a great life. Give it a go and I know for sure that it will change your life.

As Chris Guillebeau once said, “the choices that we make now affects the opportunities available to us in the future.”